- How does this work?
Similar to what is given in the Process Tab. - How does the child see the tutor’s written work?
Usage of interactive whiteboards - How does the child get homework?
After every class the child gets homework and the same gets corrected before the next class - How does the child get assessed periodically?
There will be a mid-chapter and a chapter-end test done to assess the child and the scores will be shared with the guardians - What are the alternate arrangements if the tutor is unavailable for an urgent session?
The child will be supported with an alternate tutor in case the child has an urgent school test or quiz and the regular tutor is unavailable, which will be avoided by all means.
Fusce laoreet risus et dui sodales et fringilla lorem pellentesque. Nulla sagittis lobortis lorem eget vulputate. Integer malesuada facilisis nisl nec egestas. Suspendisse scelerisque tincidunt urna condimentum pretium. Phasellus id risus lorem, at consectetur tellus. Sed eget dolor lectus. Etiam vitae sapien libero. Vivamus nunc diam, pulvinar eleifend tincidunt tincidunt, tristique eget erat. Maecenas eleifend, erat ac ullamcorper varius, metus diam condimentum elit, quis sollicitudin enim nisl nec metus. Vivamus non lectus eget ipsum egestas ornare sed sit amet libero.
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